Free Equinox Temple Activation, March 20

Which coincided with the beginning of what some historians consider the Age of Revolution, a time in history when countries all over the world were rising up and challenging the ruling authority. These included major political and social revolutions on every continent.

We really believe that the huge challenges we are experiencing in our planet especially the last few years have to do with our level of consciousness, and the lack of sacredness in our lives.

That is why we have been sharing research and knowledge around Temples, with our courses, transmissions, articles and books, as we really feel that understanding their complex spiritual technology and not seeing them as archaeological ruins, activating them once again, reigniting them as whole network around the earth and returning to sacredness in our lives through our connection to our Inner Temple can really help us and the planet pass to a higher vibration and we can experience better days.

That is why we are very happy to invite to our free event RETURN TO THE TEMPLE - Equinox Temple Planetary Grid Activation on Monday 20th March at 13.00 GTM -6. We will journey through 12 most important Temples around the world, and through a special meditation we will activate a global Temple Grid to uplift the planet’s vibration as well as ours.

Please confirm your attendance through the link in bio as there is limited spots available!

See you soon!

15 April 2023

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