Your Heart & Your Space’s Heart

Your heart is a brain! It's not just a simple organ that pumps blood, it's a complex system with its own intelligence. Just like our brain is made of neurons, our heart has its own brain, known as the intrinsic cardiac ganglion, which regulates the heart rate and generates an intuitive field of information.

The same way the heart is the centre of our being, our homes, spaces, buildings have a heart as well! This might be a surprising thought for our logical mind, but as everything is the universe holographic and fractal (holofractographic as coined by Unified Physics of Nassim Haramein), these laws apply to every scale!

In Geophilia, we honor and work with the heart of a space, a house, a building and even a piece of land with very specific ways to activate and nourish it, as the energy that is found there emanates to the whole space.

Your heart's brain can create the best possible scenarios and decisions for your life, and the heart of your space can hold the harmonics of your space! So let's listen to our body’s and our space’s heart, it might just be the key to unlocking our true potential!

📷 : The heart space of Hippocrates Community, designed to activate the whole complex in the most healing way.

30 May 2023

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