Your Location & Health

That led her to start deeply research the subject, as she couldn’t sleep in her bed and she ended up sleeping in the second little room of the apartment, which at the time she used for yoga and meditation. She noticed, that even though she was sleeping on the floor over a few blankets, without a proper mattress, she was sleeping so much better (and yes, she woke up sometimes with a little pain from the wood floor).

If you have problems with your sleep, you can save tons of time and money following Lydias experience. She started reading books, articles, papers and taking trainings in different places of the world by experts on what is generally called “geopathic stress”.

This basically means that there is a type of anomaly, a shift in the earth’s natural radiation fields in a particular location. It can be associated with the presence of underground water, fault lines, and other types of electromagnetic or gravitational anomalies.

The first important step is to know what lies below your house and your working space, so you have awareness whether there is a geophysical anomaly. The second step is to introduce biohacking solutions that you can minimize the negative effects of these anomalies.

If you want to know more about earth radiation analysis of you space, and the solutions, DM us with the word EARTH RADIATION and we can send you all the details.

📷 : A view at the Hippocrates Community- with an earth diagnosis analysis, we can be aware of the most coherent and disharmonic areas, and locate special structures to activate them and/or harmonise them.

05 May 2023

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