Dicover the mysterious links between earth's fields, ancient temples and how to boost your health.
Special foreword from
Nassim Haramein &
Dan Winter !
.... Thus, there is a meaning, a potent meaning that connects the invisible with the visible forces of Nature. There is a link from the inside to the outside, from the big scale to the small scale. This link is fractality. The ability of our Universe to reproduce similar patterns across different scales.
... Biomedicine, Geophysics, and Architecture are standard parts of knowledge that are not integrated. But in our physical reality, they are! So we studied them for an extended period and made them available to the vast majority of people, that like you, have been researching in different fields without finding a convincing answer.
... This may be a possible answer that can lead you to a new beginning. Myriad of opportunities open up, as soon as the bird of knowledge and curiosity opens its wings to touch the sky and the earth.
"Dr. Lydia is doing great work in research regarding the way buildings interact with human biology, and identifying the specific relationships between electromagnetic and magnetic interactions with megalithic monuments around the world. Her work and research should be supported and encouraged!"
"I find Lydia's deep study and outreach into the energy of buildings to be truly leading edge, comprehensive, and a very critical service. Very few have taken the time and life dedication to go as deeply into understanding and dealing with subjects such as geobiology on such a practical and technological level. Lydia has gathered all the literature, tools and technologies for this into a comprehensive research, which I for one support, admire and recommend!"
by Arturo Ponce de León, Ninón Fregoso, Michael Rice, Dan Winter
by Arturo Ponce de León, Ninón Fregoso, Michael Rice, Dan Winter
por Arturo Ponce de León, Ninón Fregoso y Michael Rice.