As things are getting more intense and challenging in our planet, with ongoing wars, corruption, fake news, government robberies and so much instability, we feel – as we have shared many times – that the only way out is bringing sacredness into our lives.
There are many ways to make that happen, but a very powerful one is to visit Ancient Temples anywhere in the world.
As you might know, Temples are Lydia’s passion and mission, she has spent over 15 years researching and decoding their true nature, sharing her knowledge through courses, books and retreats. Together with Arturo we infuse all this Sacred Knowledge into architectural design of the most harmonic and transcendental spaces.
Visiting Temples together with a conscious group really expands the sacred experience, that both offers us healing, inspiration, guidance as well as offers us the opportunity to return these magnificent structures to their original frequency through our energy work.
This year we extremely honored to be producing and organizing a Temple retreat for Nassim Haramein in Greece, from 18th May to 1st June 2024!
Have you heard about Unified Physics? Nassim basically has solved the problems of Modern Physics, which is basically bringing all the different part of Physics together, all linked! He managed to connect the physics of the microcosm (quantum) with those of the macrocosm (astro) – which until his work were divorced. In Geophilia we use all this incredible knowledge to create the most fractal structures!
His solutions all came from Sacred Geometry and spiritual teachings (along with a lot of math and equations of course). And guess what? The latest measurements of CERN were closer to his own predictions than the ones of the standard model!
Yes, we know we all are one… but… how? What is the details and mathematics of it? Now he has even more groundbreaking discoveries, which he will share with us in the Greece Singularity trip!
Our story with Nassim starts many years ago, starting with attending the first courses he released, meeting him in a Physics Conference and starting to
collaborate on the Ancient Temple Research, which led to a
forward from Nassim on our book “The Power of Sacred Location” as well as having
two online courses on Resonance Academy: “T
he Sacred Science of Ancient Temples” and “ Cosmic Design: Linking the Micro, Macro and Mesocosm” (not anymore available in that platform, soon will be available