text updated February 1, 2024
From Ancient Wisdom to Modern Research

Based in the Clinical Laboratory of Physiology, in the University of Ioannina, Greece , and under the guidance of Professor Aggelos Evangelou, we are dedicated in researching and carrying out experiments related to Sacred Geometry, so that we can further understand their interaction with biology. 

What is Sacred Geometry?

Sacred Geometry is the study of the mathematics of life. It is a metaphor for the ordering of the universe: the study of the proportions, patterns, systems, codes, and symbols that underlie as the eternal source of life of matter and spirit. It is the genesis of all forms of life.

Sacred Geometry has been used in different cultures and these laws, these codes, have served to reproduce the harmony of the universe in various manifestations in architecture and in the design of spaces.

The science of Sacred Geometry is the Science of Implosion and it is described through forms, structures, and proportions. It is a universal language based on the innate laws of nature and is an excellent complement for any architect, designer, or person involved in the harmonization of spaces.

Every culture and society, since the beginning of time, has had its own version of the synergetic interrelation of these patterns.
In this book, you can read about more than ten years of research, analysis, synthesis of the link that Sacred Geometry has with Architecture. Amazing designs and constructions made as a biological capacitor. 

Sacred Geometry and Biogeometry

In Geophilia we integrate principles of Sacred Geometry and Biogeometry to create the most harmonic and healing spaces, and support in the best way possible the health and wellbeing of the users. BioGeometry is a patented science of using the principles of some type of forms to balance, in the quality and not in the quantity aspect, biological systems and harmonize their interactions with the environment. 

The BioGeometry approach is based on the concept of the energy qualities of a space.  This concept of Physics of Quality and not Physics of Quantity is applied to balance the informational level of any living creature or any electromagnetic pulse.  This subjective perception of quality can be then translated into an objective results thanks to the power of our attention and the hability we have as human beings to direct electromagnetic fields.    

Unified Physics is the scientific basis for understanding why it is so important to design in accordance with the microcosm and macrocosm in both mathematical proportions and geometric designs.  As human beings we live in the mesocosm, the biological level of our existence, and this amazing order is possible because the very very small level, microcosm, communicates to the very very big scale, the macrocosm through the use of phi ratio, golden mean - 1.618033... - times the Planck length.

The bio fractal design of the universe is not restricted to a range, the Universe is alive in varying degrees of magnitude - and the scientific community of unified physics explains it mathematically. Knowing this, the way we design allows us to fit in the electromagnetic and gravitational torus of our physical body, the space we inhabit, the planet Earth and the Solar System.

See here amazing examples of built projects of Sacred Geometry and Architecture. 
This is Human Design with hours and hours of work (not AI fake architecture generated)

Sacred Geometry Symbols

Sacred geometry in architecture is the use of patterns, proportions, symbols, and mathematics in the design of any building, regardless of the size of it. It has been used for thousands of years to imitate nature design and the beauty of fractal patterns.

A sacred geometry structure is a building that has specific ratios, and it is embedded in the unification universal scale of design. That means that from the microcosm there is a law of proportionality and rhythm based on the Planck Length which it value is 1.616 x 10-34 m approximately. This extremely small length when it is multiplied by the golden number, phi, 1.618033…, and elevated to an x power, you can get all the important factors of nature. You obtain the hydrogen radii, the ATP/ADP, the cosmic year, the Schumann Resonance, etc.

You can use sacred geometry in design by incorporating the three mathematical constants and the three geometrical constants of the Geophilia Design System. That means that you can incorporate the golden number, phi, 1.618033…; also, pi, 3.1415… and euler – e - , the logarithmic natural base which its value is 2.7182…; square root of 2, 1.4142…; square root of 3, 1.7320…; and square root of 5, 2.2360… both the golden number, phi, 1.618… and the silver number or argentum proportion square root of 2, 1.4142… are basic references for any harmonic design.

In architecture it is used many different types of geometry according to the need of the design. There is no one geometry fits all but more effectively every geometry shape and symbol is designed for a specific use. Like the best geometry for a car will be based on a rectangle whereas the geometry of an airplane cannot serve for that purpose. The same is true for houses, spas, hotels, restaurants. Every space is designed according to the purpose and meaning of each geometry, and it became a sacred geometry design when it follows the Geophilia Design System that encompasses at least 12 key principles.

Geometry is needed for architects because when we study how the resonating energy of pyramids work, and the life-sustaining pattern of different curves like the Fibonacci spiral, golden ratio sacred geometry and other means, to construct domes and other structures, we understand that the technology derived from the shape of a building or a house will have an immense positive impact in your health, if it is designed properly.

In Geophilia we do research to determine what is the most powerful sacred geometry. And we can certainly say that the most powerful is those that are more fractal. The key concept is fractality. And fractality is a self-similar pattern repetition, the small repeats in the big in the same way as the big repeats in the total. Our research includes the analysis of different energies, forms, crystals, natural materials, through Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation; Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation technology, homeopathic and allopathic medical sciences, acupuncture, and bio-electrography GDV / Bio-Well, from the Russian inventor Konstantin Korotkov.

Sacred Geometry exists in ancient buildings, and it is important that you know that as bio architects, we incorporate biophilic design principles, that means that some forms and shapes that mimic nature will always respond better to create a resonance cavity that help you be healthier. A healthy person reproduces 50 million cells per second! Fascinating, isn’t it?

Sacred Geometry is used to create higher levels of coherence both internally and externally. That is the key concept of applying sacred geometry to balance our physical body as well as structuring the morphic resonance, as studied extensively by Rupert Sheldrake. Our physical body is biochemical in nature but also electrical. Electricity controls each step of our cellular and organismal growth. At a rate of 50 million per second of cell reproduction, the entire red blood cellular system reproduces itself in 90 days.

The entire body, including all bones and brain cells, reproduces completely every seven years. The integrity of this activity starts with the part of the cell known as the DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid). There are some electrical precursor energies guiding all this electrical, biochemical and cellular activity like a super intelligence within the heart of the DNA itself.  EPCs are themselves energies of consciousness that free-flow from the electromagnetic and gravitational subtle planes to the physical plane. EPCs have energy to sustain life force—but also polarity. They can work for you, or against you!

The Flower of Life in architecture resonates with the structure of the space-time when our universe is in a phase of balance and no-movement. Everything vibrates and breathes. There is a phase for inhalation and for exhalation. The same is true for architectural buildings and for our own body. We are built as toroidal geometries that creates both electromagnetic energy and gravitational energy. We go from order to chaos, from entropy to negentropy.   

So, as our society begins to embrace the conquest of space, time and the stars – like the work of the Unified Physicist, Nassim Haramein and Dan Winter, we must begin to realize that subtle forces are no longer regarded as subtle, but instead, we recognize them as being of the same magnitude as what we eat, drink and breathe into our bodies!

That is why architecture inspired by nature and healing biogeometry shapes will improve the coherence of this EPCs. Geometry shapes energy, because there are different aspects of it.  There is a dimension called quality of energy and another one called quantity of energy.  So, sacred geometry symbols and shapes can influence the result of the coherence of that energy.

These energies are felt by our physical body as good or bad feelings, thus giving them a polarity. They stimulate good or bad eicosanoids, which are the body's super hormones. Hormones, according to Dr. Fred Bell, are the first units of biochemistry that possess total consciousness.

Once the shapes of Sacred Geometry have been morphed the subtle precursor energy field our endocrine glands will connect them to all of the other organs through 12 energy conduits, called meridians in Chinese medicine. The energy they conduct via the 12 meridians is called bio plasmic force in Western terminology, and "Qi" or Chi in the Eastern cultures. Each of the 7 endocrine glands correspond to one of the 7 levels of consciousness. Surrounding each endocrine gland is a ganglia, a group, of nerves originating from the parasympathetic nervous system. You can learn more about this amazing connection in the module 2 of the Geophilia Master.

Understanding the principles of Sacred Geometry, can help you create a harmonic house, a luxury healing hotel, or a transcendental temple like a device with positive energy and with technologies that can, if properly placed, assist us in our efforts to once again see, hear, sense and feel the correct way to balance ourselves within a huge sea of different type of energies.

The most powerful sacred geometry shape is the one that will help you create a more coherent electromagnetic and gravitational energy. The Fibonacci Curve, that incorporates the golden number, phi number, 0.618033… will give you one of the bases of a holistic design. If you were to look at a single Pyramid, such as the Great Pyramid in Egypt, you would find a couple of interesting facts: if the ratio of the height of the Pyramid to its apex is compared to the radius of a circle, then divided into the distance around the Pyramid's base, the result is pi (n); if you wound a coil around the Pyramid starting at the top and continuing to its base, the ratio of the length of the coil as it varies from turn to turn would define Phi, or the Fibonacci Series.

Named after Leonardo Fibonacci, the Fibonacci sequence are numbers that define the natural order of growth from cells to the order of petals on a rose the numbers progress 0,1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, etc. The arrangement and sizes of some sacred geometry house plans when are placed according to this sequence and many other natural geometric patterns, can favor life.

By combining arrangements of this facts, all disharmonic energies that come in contact with sacred geometric buildings are "factored" and scaled into what is knows by science as "scalar waves." Scalar waves are, by nature, the conditioning energies behind the intelligence of DNA. Because they operate in "scale" of the nature of the form of all matter, they are timeless-but not shapeless. Being timeless, they are present on different levels of consciousness, yet they individually are not conscious. Dr. Bell says that it is this lack of consciousness that makes them easily programmable by consciousness and directly usable to correct out-of-phase shifts within the confines of the Hydrogen atom.

The random energy received at the designs of a Geophilia Sacred Geometry blueprint is converted into scalar waves. With the proper use of stones, and highly dielectric materials, we can amplify the qualities of the energy and send them deep into back of the heart of every hydrogen atom of the individual who inhabits the space.

Scalar waves become Chi energy, and through the study of how sacred geometry exist in nature, we can deal with all sorts of energies that concentrate in a construction. Although the scalar wave is created with the merging of the stray energies and the effect on the design, this energy, once inside the resonance cavity on the implosion point of the land, it becomes bio plasmic life force precursing energy, or Chi. Of course, this energy has polarity. And, in order to be properly utilized, it must be presented to the body and to the construction itself in a harmonious way.

Sacred Geometry Dan Winter free books

Dan Winter is a very good friend and partner of Geophilia.  We have been working with him since more than two decades and have made many collaborations together.  Arturo Ponce de Leon translated into spanish, 3 of his books, five DVDs, and organize in Latin America almost a dozen of five-day retreats and seminars since year 2000.  You can check some pictures here. We are happy to reproduce some of his books.

You can download for free here

1. Dan Winter Book Implosion The Secret Science of Ecstacy and Immortality.pdf

2. Dan Winter Book Fractal Conjugate Space & Time Cause of Negentropy, Gravity and Perception
3. Dan Winter Book Alphabet of the Hearth Sacred Geometry Golden Mean.pdf

Scientific Experiments

Exposing in the laboratory various types of healthy and unhealthy cells in various two- dimensional, three- dimensional shapes and geometries, as well as
Biogeometry shapes, to see their potential effect on cell division and behavior. 

Exposing humans in various types two- dimensional, three- dimensional shapes and geometries, as well as 
Biogeometry shapes, and measuring their potential effect through a protocol including blood markers, saliva tests, EEG, EKG, live blood microscopy and others.

Exposing water in various types two- dimensional, three- dimensional shapes and geometries, as well as
Biogeometry shapes, and measuring their potential effect through a protocol including surface tension, spectrum analysis, and others.

Exposing plants in various types two- dimensional, three- dimensional shapes and geometries, as well as
Biogeometry shapes, and measuring their potential effect through a protocol including growth, mineral content,
fruit weight, and others.

Exposing livestock in various types two- dimensional, three- dimensional shapes and geometries, as well as
Biogeometry shapes, and measuring their potential effect through a protocol including growth, blood markers,
weight, and others. 

Exposing cells, humans, animals and plants in different types of artificial radiation, as well as in various types two- dimensional, three- dimensional shapes and geometries, as well as Biogeometry shapes, and
measuring their potential effect.

Ancient Wisdom from all around the world explains in detail the importance of shape and geometry, in many aspects and applications.

Through deep research and experiments, we are devoted to unravel the mystery and have scientific results on the effect of geometry.

Scientific Results with Sacred Geometry Geophilia Symbols

Sacred Geometry experiment - Case Study

We installed one of the phases of the Geophilia Design System that includes a special technique of weaving sacred geometry specific shapes with a mix of different metal wires under the final floor in the biggest organic agriculture processing factory in Greece.  We were invited to design the new extension where the seeds and products would be stored.  With a team of experts, we wove by hand a custom designed geometry, and activated the cement floor with special powders that enhance the bioactive field of the concrete.  When seeds were stored in the new building we designed, the grew more than double than seeds store in the existing buildings.  

2 weeks , with NO geometry

2 weeks , WITH geometry

1 month, with NO geometry

1 month, WITH geometry

The Main Leaders

Our Research Team

Sacred Geometry meanings

Sacred Geometry is the study of the mathematics of life. Based on certain proportions, patterns and wave arrangements we may be able to recreate the internal and external conditions of a healthy electromagnetic field.

Matter was considered from the point of view of substance (particles), but we now know that the fundamental nature of the material world can only be known from the patterns that lie behind the matter and exist as geometrical wave forms or structures.

Music is the study of the proportional laws of sound frequencies. The science of musical harmony is identical to the science of crystal symmetry. This applies when we understand matter as a lattice of waves spaced at given intervals.

Our DNA has the function of preserving life, but it is not only the molecular composition of DNA that enables this extraordinary task, but its helical shape, based on a long spiral of unfolded dodecahedra. Thus, we can assume that the existence of geometric patterns and exact proportions predates the substance itself. Life began without the need for a material counterpart. In other words, the DNA molecule that is the carrier wave of life, unlike any other molecule, is fundamentally characterized by its geometrical structure that is able to organize the wave-particles and allow to implode and distribute the frequency and voltage of the waves.

For example, biology, among many other things, studies the photosynthetic process of plants (the biological process that plants have to synthesize the sun's rays) and shows us that this process can only take place because the carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and magnesium of the chlorophyll molecule is arranged in a complex symmetrical pattern of twelve folds.

In the theory of Unified Physics proposed by Nassim Haramein and others, it says that the whole universe is formed by a single substance with different geometrical arrangements based on the cuboctahedron.

If we refer to the history of the practice of Geometry, we must go back to ancient Egypt, from where the Greeks inherited their studies. Geometry is the study of spatial order by measuring the relationship of shapes. Geometry and Arithmetic, together with Astronomy - the science of temporal order through the observation of cyclic motions - constituted the major intellectual disciplines of classical education. The fourth element in this study, the Quadrivium, was the study of harmony and music.

Plato, for example, regarded geometry and numbers as the most reduced, and therefore ideal, essence of philosophical language, and in the cultures of India, Tibet, Islam and medieval Europe, mandalas or sacred diagrams have been produced in abundance. Tribal cultures use them in the form of paintings, constructions and dances. Mandalas represent the symbol of the essential structure of the Universe.

The unfolding of this Unity into divisions is the first act of Creation. Thus, the Unity to unfold and create life does not lose its uniqueness or its sacredness when it is divided on the basis of the golden ratio or golden mean (so called by the Greeks). To make a cut that divides a straight line in golden ratio implies that the unit is cut at the rate of phi (0.618033...).
It was Euclid who solved, for ancient culture, the problem of finding the golden ratio of a straight line. Any line can be divided in multiple ways, but there is only one way in which this line can be divided infinitely inward and outward, in a fractal way.

Thus begins the expansion and contraction of life, and this process is sacred to the extent that, although we change the size of the line (Oneness), the proportion with which we cut this line is the same. The researcher Dan Winter tells us that "scales are profane, but proportions are sacred". We can reproduce the golden ratio infinitely outward and infinitely inward. We will always get the same proportion. Life, like architecture, naturally unfolds in this way and seeks to conform to it.

Sacred Geometry is the language of the Divine, the ubiquitous Mathematics that the Universe uses to create life. 

Arturo Ponce de León

Having scientific results on the nature and effects of Sacred Geometry can allow us to use this technology for the benefit of our health and well-being.

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